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Pressed white wedding bouquet

Can you Preserve an All-White Wedding Bouquet?

We love preserving all types of wedding bouquets, but there are some things to be aware of before you decide to preserve your bouquet. Many brides love a traditional and...

Can you Preserve an All-White Wedding Bouquet?

We love preserving all types of wedding bouquets, but there are some things to be aware of before you decide to preserve your bouquet. Many brides love a traditional and...

Why We Use Rapeseed Wax in our Candles

Why We Use Rapeseed Wax in our Candles

Have you noticed those fields filled with bright yellow flowers during Summer? This is rapeseed from which we get rapeseed wax! We're often asked why we use rapeseed wax instead of soy,...

Why We Use Rapeseed Wax in our Candles

Have you noticed those fields filled with bright yellow flowers during Summer? This is rapeseed from which we get rapeseed wax! We're often asked why we use rapeseed wax instead of soy,...

The Simple Guide to Flower Pressing

The Simple Guide to Flower Pressing

  1. Prepare flowers by removing any dead leaves or stems. 2. Unscrew wingnuts and remove top layer of wood from your flower press. Then line your flower press base with...

The Simple Guide to Flower Pressing

  1. Prepare flowers by removing any dead leaves or stems. 2. Unscrew wingnuts and remove top layer of wood from your flower press. Then line your flower press base with...